GitHub Actions

Grai Actions

Shared Fields

All actions share some common fields listed below.


api-keynoYour Grai API key.
grai-usernoYour Grai username.
grai-passwordnoYour Grai password.
workspacenoYour Grai workspace name

You must provider either api-key or grai-user and grai-password. If you're account is associated with multiple workspaces and you're using username/password authentication you must also provide your desired workspace.

Other Parameters

namespaceyesThe Grai namespace for the connection
grai-api-urlno"The url of your grai instance. This is constructed as {scheme}://{host}:{port} where the port is optional"
grai-app-urlnohttps://app.grai.ioThe URL for your frontend instance of Grai. This might include a port depending on your configuration
actionnotestsWhich action to perform. Can be tests or update
github-tokenno${{github.token}}The GITHUB_TOKEN secret for your repository

Notes and Caveats

Github Authentication

By default we use a github-token provided by your repository to write comments back to your PR with test results. In some cases, such as when the pull request is coming from a forked repository, the default token will not have write permissions. If this is the case, you'll receive an error message in the workflow indicating such. There are a few ways you can resolve the issue but you should first check your repository action settings under Settings -> Actions -> General aren't blocking workflows from running.

Some alternatives include.

Explicit Workflow Permissions

GitHub has provided helpful documentation (opens in a new tab) to provide explicit permissions for your workflows. Make sure the Grai Action has, at minimum, write permissions for pull-request and issues. You can set this at the job level by adding a permission key in your workflow. e.g.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      issues: write
      pull-requests: write

Personal Access Tokens

You can also use personal access tokens or PAT (opens in a new tab)'s in place of the default github-token. You'll need to create a token following the linked instructions but make sure to store it in your repository secrets Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions -> New Repository Secret. If you were to create a secret called MY_PAT you would pass it into your grai action job as

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Run Grai Action
      uses: grai-io/grai-actions/redshift@master
        github-token: ${{ secrets.MY_PAT }}